photo online editor free

        assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera ok malam nie aku nak kongsi tempat edit gambar secara percuma dan cuma perlu daftarkan nama je dekat situ tapi ada sesetengah tak payah pun nak daftar.aku malas dah nak cakap banyak yang penting sekarang korang boleh klik je ok tapi credit la untuk aku jugak. baklk kata oprang hargai kerja orang lain itu pahala :)

  1. pixlr- Pixlr is the creator of online cloud-based image tools and utilities. Today we have three applications in our suite: Pixlr Editor, Pixlr Express and Pixlr-o-matic. They are built in Flash and you need to have the Flash plug-in (get flash) to get it to work, however, 98% of all computers have flash so you are probably set. We also provide screengrabbing tools Pixlr Grabber and one click photo sharing.
  2. splashup- Splashup, formerly Fauxto, is a powerful editing tool and photo manager. With the features professionals use and novices want, it’s easy to use, works in real-time and allows you to edit many images at once. Splashup runs in all browsers, integrates seamlessly with top photo-sharing sites, and even has its own file format so you can save your work in progress.It’s also have photo sharing feature. You can easily share your images in Facebook, Flickr, and Picasa. Splashup also have great tools like photoshop. They have Features that amount to more than novelty. Layers, layer effects, filters and brushes all right here.
  3. befunky- BeFunky arms you with simple but innovative tools to turn ordinary digital photos into incredible artwork and designs that defy imagination. We can make a marvelous photo effects with a single click. They have 30 different categories for photo effects. You can add speech bubbles, frames and cool shapes in your photos.The one advantages from BeFunky that i most like is storage and tracking feature. We can track of our previous uploads and store our original photos securely and privately.
  4. sumopaint- Sumo Paint is a full featured photo editing / painting application, which works right in your favorite web browser! The application can be used in Windows, Macintosh or Linux operating systems. The only requirement is the Flash Player (which usually comes preinstalled in any OS).
  5. flauntr- FotoFlexer is the world’s most advanced online digital photo editor. It performs advanced effects previously only available to professionals using expensive software. FotoFlexer can integrated with PhotoBuckets, Flickr, MySpace, Facebook, and many others. So, you can directly edit your photos from there.
  6. picnik- Picnik is photo editing online, in your browser. It gives real people photo editing with tons of powerful tools, artistic effects, stickers, frames, touch-ups, scrapbooking tools and more. You can grab your photos from where you store them, from social network (Facebook, MySpace, etc) or computer. All this for free! But if you want some more features, of course you can upgrade to Picnik Premium for only $24.95 a year!
  7. is free online tools to provide even more convenience for image enhancement and sharing. Our Online Photo! Enhancement and Photo! Presentation platforms make it possible for web developers to enhance and power up their web sites for free.
  8. pizap- PiZap is a free online photo editor featuring fun free photo effects, photo stickers and one click effects for your digital photos. Grab your digital cameras and start taking photos. Easily create wacky images with your digital pictures. PiZap was created as a tool primarily for social networking users who want to post their images to their favorite social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Hi5, Orkut, Friendster, Bebo, miGente, Windows Live Spaces, Blogger, Tagged, and many more.
    PiZap provides a very easy to use photo editor that lets you add photo effects, custom text or speech bubbles, hundreds of original colorful stickers, a full painting program, and much more.

p/s:ok kerana penerangan dia dalam english dan aku nie malas nak terjemahkan korang paham sendiri la ye aku percaya dikalangan korang nie mesti pandai-pandai belaka la B.I kan .dan lagi satu aku nak cadangankan mana satu yang paling aku suka pakai untuk edit gambar .aku biasanya akan guna photoshop n potoscape kalau aku rajin dan laptop aku tak buat hal.dan kalau aku malas aku akan gunakan befunkky dengan pizap tapi aku lebih suka befunkky la sebab dia punya tools tu lawa(ary nie aku buat perangai sikit nak campurkan bahasa)kalau korang tak percaya korang boleh klik sendiri la ye

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